
Open Tools, Interfaces and Metrics for Implementation Security Testing
4 September, 2024
Halifax, Canada

Affiliated with CHES 2024

Open Tools, Interfaces and Metrics for Implementation Security Testing

The OPTIMIST workshop is a forum to present and discuss new efforts that enable open and reproducible research in implementation security. The OPTIMIST emphasis is not on the artifacts themselves, but on the interfaces, components, libraries, hardware, and software tools that enable reproducibility and quality in implementation security testing.

Invited Speakers

We are thrilled to announce talks by the following invited speakers.

Tentative Program

9:00 Welcome Remarks
9:15 Invited Talk: Markku-Juhani Saarinen
  Session 1
10:00 Lukasz Chmielewski, Léo Weissbart and Lubomír Hrbáček, Technical aspects of implementing and evaluating ECC crypto libraries protected against side-channel and fault injection attacks
10:15 Kamyar Mohajerani, Jens-Peter Kaps and Kris Gaj, Hardware API for Lightweight Cryptography
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Invited Talk: Colin O’Flynn
11:45 Project Kickoff: An Open-Source Approach to Measure and Analyze Embedded Systems Security
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Invited Talk: Damien Couroussé
  Session 2
13:45 Jonah Bosland, Stefan Ene, Peter Baumgartner and Vincent Immler, SCARR: A High-Performance Side-Channel Analysis Framework
14:00 Karel Král, Jean-Michel Picod, Luca Invernizzi and Elie Bursztein, Sedpack - Scalable and efficient dataset library
14:15 Karim Abdellatif, SCADL: A Side-Channel Attack Tool Based on Deep Learning
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Invited Talk: Gaëtan Cassiers
15:45 Panel
16:45 Closing

Call for Contributions

As the OPTIMIST workshop is a forum to present and discuss new efforts that enable open and reproducible research in implementation security, the organizers and program committee invite submissions of proposals for talks.

Topics of interest for OPTIMIST include

Talks are 15 min in length, and are presented from the podium with slides, followed by a brief Q&A. The program committee will select among proposed talks based on fit for OPTIMIST and whether it will stimulate discussion and interest among the audience of hardware security practitioners, academics, and students. OPTIMIST welcomes talks based on both archival and non-archival work.

Each submission should be nonanonymous. A talk abstract must be at most 1 page, including a title, name of contributors and presenter(s), and a work description that can include figures and references. The authors are encouraged to refer to their paper published elsewhere before (if any), serving as the basis for the talk.


The submission deadline is extended until June 21, AOE
